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Empyema Of Gallbladder in a DiabeticSevere complicated infection of gallbladder

Gallbladder empyema (suppurative cholecystitis) is an uncommon complication of gallstone disease. This is due to complications of acute persistent infection of the gallbladder. In empyema, the gallbladder lumen is filled by purule

Loss of Abdomen wall, A Complex HerniaLarge incisional hernia due to multiple surgeries

A complex abdominal wall hernia was successfully repaired at our advanced hernia center. A new innovative technique was used to cater to the patient's needs. A complex procedure was successfully performed leading to the best outcome more than wh

Complex Incisional hernia Surgery after multiple surgeries Hernia in previously operated patient

Incisional hernias are common hernias. An incisional hernia occurs through previous surgical incisions. Hernia once repaired properly should not lead to recur

Severe Gastritis & Ulceration leading to PerforationSevere complication of untreated gastritis

Gastric Perforation ( stomach perforation)  is a full-thickness injury of the wall of the stomach. Severe untreated gastritis or chronic ulcerations are the most common cause of perforations. Perforations occur acutely. There is

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