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5 Signs You Need To See A Gastro Surgeon

  • 5 Signs You Need To See A Gastro Surgeon


    1. Constipation & Diarrhea
    Diarrhea can manifest as a growing urge to discharge more frequently than on usual days, or passing a stool that is in a more liquid form than usual. Constipation, on the other hand, occurs when you struggle to discharge. There is a possibility that you go only once or twice a week. Even when you do, you might notice hard stools that need straining to pass.

    Possible Causes
    Diarrhea can be because of an infection such as E. coli. or a virus. It can occur simply because of a greasy, big meal that was difficult to digest. Some people have food allergies or enzyme deficiencies that may be the reason why they have diarrhea or bloating every time they eat a specific food. It may take time to come to notice, so you must see a gastroenterologist who will help you understand what is going on.

    2. Weight Change
    An unanticipated change in weight must always raise concern. It can often be caused by simple alterations in exercise and diet but there may be something more to it. While there will always be some regular fluctuations in your weight, an unintentional change of more than 5 per cent over a period of six to twelve months may be a cause of concern. So, for instance, if your weight was 150 pounds six months ago but now your weight is less than 140 pounds, you should see a professional ASAP.

    3. Nausea & Vomiting
    Nausea and vomiting are some most common reasons people visit digestive system doctors. There are various causes which is why the physician will have to conduct a systematic check to rule out the most dangerous and then the most usual causes. But keep in mind that this must be treated as soon as possible because uncontrolled fluid loss may result in weakness, dehydration, seizures and even death.
    Possible Causes
    This is usually caused by eating something that went bad. Make sure that the food you eat is handled and cleaned properly before consumption.

    4. Jaundice
    Jaundice is a condition in which the eyes and skin appear to have a yellowish tint due to the excess of a chemical called bilirubin. Based on the levels of bilirubin, the person might barely have a noticeable coloration only in the eyes. But in severe cases, people have skin with a yellow tint that even a layman can notice in passing. Painless jaundice might also be associated with pancreatic cancer.

    Possible Causes
    The causes may include liver conditions, enzyme deficiencies and gallbladder diseases.

    5. Cancer Warning Signs

    There are a few signs that you must never neglect. Painless jaundice and weight loss can be signs of hidden malignancy. Also, if you are facing any difficulties in swallowing, it can be a sign of esophageal cancer because of chronic reflux.

    Wrapping Up!

    If you have experienced constipation, diarrhea or any other GI symptoms, you must visit a gastroenterologist soon. They can also help you with weight loss solutions if you have put on extra pounds that is not healthy for your body. Visit the MIAS MH Surgery Clinic today to see the best gastroenterologists.


    Dr. Manjunath Haridas is one of the leading surgeons for Gastrointestinal Sciences in Whitefield, Bangalore. His area of expertise includes Gastrointestinal Surgery - Colon Rectum, Foregut Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, and Minimally invasive surgery. He is Honored by the American Board of Certification, fellow Of the American College of Surgeons, SAGES membership and more.

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