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Tips For Reducing The Risk Of Liver Cancer

  • Tips For Reducing The Risk Of Liver Cancer

    Basic liver cancers originate in the liver itself. Nevertheless, cancers of other organs like pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer may penetrate the liver. They are known as secondary liver cancers. Liver cirrhosis carries the highest risk of liver cancer. Liver cancer is also called hepatic cancer and can be asymptomatic until it has advanced or the liver tumor causes a blockage to major blood vessels or bile duct. 

    Several signs and symptoms of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) include jaundice, back pain, right quadrant abdominal pain, hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), unexplained weight loss, itching, fever, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. In this article, we, at MH Surgery Clinic, bring to those who are at high risk of liver cancer several tips to help you reduce your risk of liver cancer.

    Who Is At High Risk Of Liver Cancer?

    - Those who have a family history or have other inherited liver diseases are at risk and must get themselves diagnosed for the same.
    - Those with existing conditions such as obesity, chronic viral hepatitis, NAFLD, and chronic Hepatitis B virus infection, resulting from chronic alcoholism are known to be at a higher risk for the disease. 

    Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Liver Cancer

    1. A healthy diet

    While making healthy selections at the grocery store and at mealtime does not guarantee cancer prevention, it may still reduce your risk. Follow the guidelines below:

     - Eat fruits and vegetables.

    Base your diet mainly on fruits and vegetables, as well as other foods from plant sources such as beans and whole grains.

    - Balance a healthy weight.

    Eat lean and light meals by consuming fewer high-calorie foods like refined sugar and fat from animal sources.

    - Drink alcohol in moderation.

    The risk of cancer tends to increase with the amount of alcohol you consume and the length of time you have been drinking on a regular basis.

    - Limit processed meats.

    According to surveys and reports, eating large amounts of processed meats can increase the risk of certain types of cancers.

    Furthermore, women who consume a Mediterranean diet supplemented with mixed nuts and extra-virgin olive oil also have a reduced risk of breast cancer as this diet focuses mostly on plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, etc.

    2. Say ‘goodbye’ to tobacco

    Consuming tobacco, whether you are chewing or smoking, puts you on a collision course with cancer. Smoking has been directly associated with various types of cancer. Chewing tobacco has been linked to cancer of the pancreas and oral cavity. Even if you do not use tobacco but are still exposed to secondhand smoke, you are increasing your risk of developing lung cancer.

    3. Repair your fatty liver.

    Non-Alcohol Fatty Liver Disease )NAFLD) is basically fat building up in liver cells that is not caused by alcohol. If 10% of the liver’s weight is fat, then it is known as steatosis or fatty liver. This condition can cause liver scarring or liver cirrhosis. NAFLD is asymptomatic and may be diagnosed incidentally during an ultrasound. You may experience symptoms such as jaundice, fatigue, weight loss, abdominal pain, swollen abdomen, and edema in the legs. 

    4. Get A Vaccine For Hepatitis

    The most common risk factor for liver cancer is chronic hepatitis infection. Surveys show that the core protein of HCV has an oncogenic potential and is involved in hepato-carcinogenesis. Hepatitis can spread from one person to another through body fluids via blood transfusion, contaminated needles, sexual intercourse, or during childbirth. Hepatitis B is now included in the standard infant vaccination schedule. It is highly effective as well as safe as it protects us against hepatitis B infection. Getting vaccinated for hepatitis is a fundamental step to preventing viral-induced liver inflammation and carcinogenesis.

    Bottom Line!

    Even a basic liver infection can increase your risk of developing a liver tumor. If you are already facing issues with your liver and your problem has not been diagnosed yet, then get in touch with the best hospital for liver cancer treatment- MH Surgery Clinic. MH Surgery Clinic comprises a team of the best and most experienced liver cancer specialists and liver cancer doctors in Bangalore. So, if you are searching for excellent liver cancer treatment in Bangalore, then make an appointment with one of the liver cancer specialists at MH Surgery Clinic and start with your treatment immediately.


    Dr. Manjunath Haridas is one of the leading surgeons for Gastrointestinal Sciences in Whitefield, Bangalore. His area of expertise includes Gastrointestinal Surgery - Colon Rectum, Foregut Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, and Minimally invasive surgery. He is Honored by the American Board of Certification, fellow Of the American College of Surgeons, SAGES membership and more.

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