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All you need to know about Robotic Surgery

  • Manipal Hospital Whitefield is pleased to announce a webinar focused on the latest advancements in robotic assisted surgery. Completing the panel of speakers is Dr. Manjunath Haridas, a Consultant in General, Laparoscopic, and Minimal Access Surgery at Manipal Hospital Whitefield. Dr. Haridas has garnered immense respect in the medical community due to his vast experience and exceptional skills in minimally invasive surgical techniques. His expertise has been instrumental in providing patients with safer, faster, and less invasive treatment options.

    Ans- Robotic surgery has been widely known for its applications in cancer and pelvic surgeries. However, it has also made significant advancements in gastrointestinal (GI) surgery over the past decade. Following the success of robotic procedures in cancer and urological surgeries, surgeons started incorporating robotics into GI surgeries. They discovered that the outcomes were comparable to or even better than laparoscopic surgeries. Patients experienced shorter hospital stays, minimal blood loss, and reduced pain compared to open surgery and sometimes laparoscopic procedures. Robotic surgery simplified the challenging task of suturing in GI surgeries, enabling surgeons to perform calmly and smoothly for extended periods. As a result, surgeons became more comfortable, leading to improved patient outcomes. Patients experienced faster recovery of bowel function due to minimal handling of bowel tissues during robotic procedures. These advancements have transformed the landscape of robotic surgery, enhancing patient outcomes, particularly in terms of shortened hospital stays and improved bowel function.

    Ans- Robotic surgery has revolutionized the field of gastrointestinal (GI) surgery, starting more than a decade ago. Initially used in cancer and pelvic surgeries, robotics gradually expanded to include urological and GI procedures. It was observed that robotic outcomes were comparable to or even better than laparoscopic surgeries. Patients benefited from shorter hospital stays, minimal blood loss, and reduced pain compared to open and laparoscopic procedures. Notably, the ease of suturing in GI surgeries played a crucial role in this advancement. Surgeons who could perform calmly and smoothly for extended durations experienced greater comfort, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes. Robotic surgery has significantly enhanced patient outcomes, particularly in terms of shorter hospital stays and faster recovery of bowel function due to minimal handling of bowel tissues.

    Ans- Robotic surgery has revolutionized the visualization and handling of the bowel during GI surgeries. The magnification provided by the robotic system allows surgeons to maneuver and manipulate the bowel with ease, minimizing the risk of damage to delicate nerves and structures. As a result, patients benefit greatly from these advancements. With nearly a decade of experience in GI surgery, significant changes have occurred, particularly for patients requiring GI procedures. Robotic surgery has become the preferred option, and it is recommended that patients consider it as the first choice when undergoing surgery. This represents the current state of robotic surgery and its transformative impact on GI procedures.

    Ans- Initially, robotic surgery was primarily used for complex procedures and hard-to-reach areas, particularly in cancer surgeries. However, over the course of five years, the field has matured, and surgeons have become increasingly comfortable using robotic for even the smallest laparoscopic surgeries. This has simplified and reduced the stress associated with tasks such as suturing the abdominal wall, bowel, or blood vessels. The impact of robotic extends to challenging surgeries like cardiac procedures, specifically mitral valve replacements. Robotic technology has revolutionized mitral valve surgeries, enabling smoother and technically less challenging procedures. This transformative effect demonstrates that if complex surgeries can be made smoother with robotic, the benefits for simple surgeries are even greater. Patients should recognize that virtually any laparoscopic surgery can now be performed robotically, offering enhanced outcomes.

    That means to say that you are at an advantage, the patients themselves are at an advantage of getting the best outcome possible through robotic surgery.

    Ans- The question raised here is significant as it highlights the impact of robotics on even the simplest of surgeries. Hernia surgery, in particular, has witnessed substantial advancements due to the integration of robotics. The presence of hernia and its complexity is acknowledged through the existence of specialized hernia and abdominal wall reconstruction societies. While laparoscopy has been effective for hernia surgeries, robotic surgery offers an additional level of improved outcomes. Robotic surgery allows for the restoration of the abdominal midline, addressing the gap that patients often feel. Closing this gap during laparoscopy can be technically challenging, but robotic surgery excels in suturing skills. The precision with which the intestines, blood vessels, and abdominal wall can be sutured results in optimal outcomes. This is particularly beneficial for young individuals with abdominal wall hernias who experience the sensation of a gap.

    Ans- Robotic surgery not only closes the gap in hernias but also offers advantages in terms of cost and simplicity. The mesh used in robotic surgery is both straightforward and cost-effective. When considering the long-term perspective, the cost benefits for patients become evident. The message to patients is clear: don't limit yourself based on assumptions about what can or cannot be done. It is the responsibility of medical professionals to determine the feasibility of procedures. At Manipal Whitefield, for example, the availability of robotic technology ensures that patients can inquire about these advanced surgical options. The hospital is committed to providing the latest innovations and surgeries tailored to the population's needs, resulting in improved outcomes and better recovery. The future of healthcare, as discussed by Dr. Jacob, is focused on dedicated innovations to benefit the patient.

    Ans- Robotics in surgery offers a significant advantage over laparoscopy and open surgery, as it allows patients to achieve better outcomes and a quicker return to normal life. The benefits of robotics surpass those of open surgery by a wide margin. Robotics is becoming the new standard for various surgical procedures, including laparoscopic surgeries. Manipal Whitefield Hospital provides a dedicated helpline for patients seeking robotic surgery, where they can inquire about specific procedures and receive assistance. The Department of Gastro Sciences at Manipal Hospital is committed to supporting patients and is enthusiastic about the positive impact of robotics in the community. The hospital aims to use robotic surgery to enhance patient well-being and achieve the best possible outcomes.

    Ans- The placement and appearance of scars in robotic surgery have significantly improved compared to laparoscopy. The scars are smaller and can be hidden more effectively. This is particularly beneficial for young patients seeking minimally invasive surgery. Robotic surgery represents the future of advanced minimally invasive procedures and is expected to become the standard for all surgeries. While cost is a factor to consider, investing in one's own health and well-being is a crucial priority.

    Ans- In the long term, investing in one's own health through advanced surgical procedures like robotic surgery yields better outcomes. While the initial cost may be higher, the long-term benefits and improved quality of life outweigh the expenses. It is essential for patients to view their health as a valuable investment that appreciates over time. The availability of robotic surgery at Manipal Whitefield offers patients the opportunity to prioritize their well-being without solely focusing on cost. Investing in healthcare should be seen as a long-term investment in oneself, where the benefits only improve with time.

    All you need to know about Robotic Surgery | Manipal Hospital Whitefield

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